Soul River

With programs for every level, whether you want a light self-discovery or a complete deep dive into your soul's past, present and future - we have you covered!
Self Esteem
If your child is expressing negative thoughts or negative self talk about their worth and abilities, we can help them to feel empowered again so they remember and realise their gifts, worth and joy. 
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Thumb Sucking
Many primary school and high school age children still revert to thumb sucking as a comfort strategy. We can help them ditch the habit while finding other ways to feel safe and secure. 
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Bed Wetting
If your child is dreading going to a friend's sleepover, or feeling shame seeing their younger sibling outgrow nappies before they do - hypnosis can help them  to stop wetting the bed confidently and quickly.
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Hypnosis can be just as (if not more so) effective as medication for ADHD. In consultation with your child's medical team, we can assist your child to build coping strategies and learning mechanisms that work for them,  and the beautifully unique way they see the world. We love neury spicy children!
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Sleeping should be a restorative and restful experience. We can help your child to drift off to sleep without fear. Allowing them to have a peaceful  and nightmare free night,  without the disruption and sleep deprivation of waking in the wee hours.
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In our experience anxiety is a product of something else in the child's life (such as school stress, bullying, social media and perfectionism). We work with your child to treat the core issue, regaining their personal power and emotional strength.  Swapping anxiety for joy, possibility, and optimism,
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Seeing your parents go through a divorce can be a confusing and emotional time for any child. We can help them to navigate those emotions, thoughts and behaviours in a positive way, building resilience, harmony and a deep sense of security
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If your child is acting out at school or home, we can help them identify the core reason they are  using those behaviours. Then help them to instil alternatives that will help allow them to get what they need, by using more positive behaviour alternatives instead. 
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Exam Stress
Is your child feeling stressed out by school work or upcoming exams? We can help them to embed learning and exam strategies that will allow them to feel cool, calm and collected. Their results and grades will improve dramatically too.
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Ready to overcome your obstacles and limiting beliefs so you can achieve your goals?
Book a 15 min call with us now!
Find the clarity and direction you need with a Master Certified life coach, Hypnotherapist and Master Certified NLP & Matrix Therapy Practitioner who has helped countless people achieve their goals. She can help you too! 
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