Soul River

Whether you want a light self-discovery or a complete deep dive into your soul's past, present and future - with programs for every stage of your soul journey - we have you covered!
An excellent way to goal set and to kick bad habits such as overeating, nail biting and smoking. You are in complete control every step of the way, and will be guided to unlock your best self through hypnosis.
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Matrix & NLP
 Clear negative influences limiting beliefs, and negative emotions. Overcome grief and reclaim your personal power! A great tool for team building & executive growth. 
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Using the 12 Step Coaching Model, you will be guided to define your values, set goals and live life to the max while utilising your full potential.
1:1 or group sessions available 
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Laugh Yoga
Laughter Yoga is a process that enables you to laugh even if you don’t feel like it. It’s a skill you can do anywhere, at anytime! In this interactive workshop you will learn the 6 main health benefits of the practice. You will definitely have some fun too!
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Birth Charts
Every celestial body in the universe attracts every other celestial body! Utilising the constellation map that would have been above you the day you were born, we can discover: your true Star Sign, the present day and future influences of the planets on your life and uncover your Soul Purpose.

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As Shakespeare would say, "what's in a name?" Well quite a lot actually! In this 60 min reading you will learn your Life Path, Personal Year, Destiny and Power Numbers - plus so much more! Numbers are everywhere, and can be utterly illuminating!
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As an energy conduit and vessel of service, few things soothe my soul more than creating a bespoke workshop for a group or event. Catering from intimate groups or large scale events - we can custom design a unique workshop to suit your needs.
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Rituals infused with sacred song, stones and plant medicine (Cacao). With reverence, a curious mind and an open heart, we embark on a journey of healing, song, connection and personal growth. Your heart and cheeks will be glowing after this one!
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Eco Retreats
Each season we hold a fully catered in person retreat, aligning to one of the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, & Water) we explore nature and the desires of our heart and soul. You will leave feeling refreshed and restored!
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Ready to overcome your obstacles and limiting beliefs so you can achieve your goals?
Book a 15 min call with us now!
Find the clarity and direction you need with a Master Certified life coach, Hypnotherapist and Master Certified NLP & Matrix Therapy Practitioner who has helped countless people achieve their goals. She can help you too! 
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